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  • Spiritual Practice

Mincha Ma’ariv Service (Hybrid)

  • Saturday, April 5, 2025
  • 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM

Our Mincha Ma’ariv service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Elsie Osofsky.

Registration: This event is available in person and via live stream. Registration is not required. Click here to join the live stream at the event start time.

About Elsie
Dear TBE Community,
My name is Elsie Osofsky and I have two passions: tennis and friends. I practice at New England Tennis Academy, and often compete in tournaments on the weekends. When I don’t have a tournament, I’m probably walking around Newton with my friends. I am in seventh grade at Brown Middle School. I like all of my classes, but English is my favorite. I’ve always enjoyed reading and writing.

I have two younger siblings: Evie who is 10 and Nate who is 6. We all play tennis in the summer and ski in the winter. Our dog is also 13 years old like me, and she celebrated her bark mitzvah last summer.

As a b’mitzvah, I have learned so much. I volunteered to help distribute food to those in need, I spent time with elderly at Hebrew Senior Life, sorted clothes at Cradles to Crayons, and I facilitated processing at Mother’s Milk Bank. These experiences taught me how good it feels to directly help those in need, especially those in your backyard. I am proud of my hard work and am excited to take on new responsibilities after becoming b’mitzvah.



